Art Engine
Custom Plugins

Exporters Interface

All exporter plugins in the Art Engine implement the ExporterInterface interface. This interface defines the basic structure that an exporter plugin should follow.

interface ExporterInterface {
  init: (props: ExporterInitPropsInterface) => Promise<void>;
  export: () => Promise<void>;
  • ExporterInterface: This interface outlines the structure that exporter plugins should adhere to.
  • init(props: ExporterInitPropsInterface) => Promise<void>: This method initializes the exporter plugin. It takes an object of type ExporterInitPropsInterface as an argument, containing the necessary initialization properties. The method returns a promise that resolves when the initialization is complete.
  • export() => Promise<void>: This method is responsible for executing the export process. It returns a promise that resolves when the export process is complete.
interface ExporterInitPropsInterface {
  seed: string;
  outputPath: string;
  rendersGetter: ItemsDataManager["getRenders"];

ExporterInitPropsInterface: This interface defines the properties required to initialize an exporter plugin. It includes the following properties:

  • seed: A string value that serves as a seed for deterministic behavior. Similar to other plugins, this can be used to ensure consistent results when exporting.
  • outputPath: A string representing the path where the exporter plugin should export its content. This could be a directory where generated files, metadata, or assets will be saved.
  • rendersGetter: A reference to a function called getRenders from the ItemsDataManager. This function is used to access the rendered data produced by the renderers.